U.S. State Privacy Legislation Tracker

Has your state adopted some form of privacy legislation?

As of 2023 the above map shows the status of all 50 US states and their adoption of privacy protection legislation.

This map was sourced from the IAPP Westin Research Center.

“The IAPP Westin Research Center actively tracks the proposed and enacted comprehensive privacy bills from across the U.S. to help our members stay informed of the changing state privacy landscape. This information is compiled into a map, a detailed chart identifying key provisions in the legislation, and links to enacted state comprehensive privacy laws.”

Original source: https://iapp.org/resources/article/us-state-privacy-legislation-tracker/

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Trua is a first of a kind reusable verified identity and screening company that provides all-in-one ID proofing, fruad detection, authentication, and screening through its Trua platform. Trua eliminates the need for users to repeatedly assert their real-world identity and solves data storage and privacy problems for businesses while easily aligning with disparate data privacy and consumer protection laws. With Trua, businesses can onboard customers seamlessly and authenticate them without requiring personal information, which enhances trust and confidence to both parties.

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